My website is, and I will reference it frequently in my blog posts, as it has more than one thousand pages of weather information. is an ad free private weather site featuring live current conditions, National Weather Service weather forecasts around the country, multiple radar loops including NEXRAD radar images on Google Maps, as well as NWS radar loops. There are more than 100 different satellite loops, surface maps, computer model maps and loops, local weather, tropical weather, webcam, weather news, and much, much more. Exploring the site will keep you busy for a long time! :-) What was originally created to serve the local Dacula area, it has grown to the point that it brings visitors from all over the world, and it is now one of the most extensive private weather websites in the United States. We continuously monitor the EMWIN (Emergency Managers Weather Information Network) network for watches, warnings, and advisories, and display and re-transmit this information to my website, as well as to Twitter, Facebook (also as North Georgia Weather), and through email notifications, normally within the minute they are issued. I utilize two different radar software applications, GRLevel III, and GR2 Analyst, both from Gibson Ridge Software. Using GR2A, I have the ability to view a storm from a 3D perspective, which helps to visualize hail cores and tornadoes. is proud to have been selected by NOAA and the National Weather Service as a "Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador", and we'll be helping to spread the word about weather related awareness throughout the year. I'm always adding new pages, so keep checking back. Anytime you need weather current information, please visit: |
Other blogs...Besides the weather, I have several other hobbies. I guess that's the ADD in me it's hard for me to stay focused on anyone thing for too long, or I just get bored... I don't know. :-)
So my other hobbies in no particular order:
I suppose you could say web design as well. I designed most of my websites from scratch. I didn't use any templates or other existing designs when I began the process of redoing the site for the 4th and most likely final time, and at this point, the site is so large, going back and starting over is probably not an option. Right now I have a blog for autocross, and I'm considering doing one on my music hobby as well. I would call myself an audiophile and love to listen to high quality music on a high quality sound system. Anyway, I hope you enjoy reading what I post, some of it will just be ramblings mixed in with factual type stuff. Nothing fancy here, and nothing too serious. just having fun living life! Steve Market Square on Portsmouth New Hampshire. One of my favorite winter webcams, and beautiful at anytime of the year. This site has other webcams on the square and in the Portsmouth area complete with time-lapse videos. |